Understanding Addiction to Alcohol Trucare


There is habitually a lot of perplexities over what defines alcoholism. People tend to think in terms of the total of beers or glasses of wine they consume on a night out or think it is a matter of how consistently they drink. Alcoholism is defined neither by the bulk a person drinks nor by the regularity of alcohol. Alcoholism is an alcohol dependency. If the person is dependent on alcohol, they are by definition alcoholic, despite how much or how often they drink. We have the best alcohol rehabilitation centre in Pune.

'Alcoholism' is a disease, and a disease that affects countless people around the globe. Moreover, it is an awful disease that is chronic, progressive, and regularly fatal. The disease initially attacks the physical health of the victim and then disturbs emotional and mental equilibrium by hurting the alcoholic person's family and social life. It is a disease that is most prominent amongst men, and sadly, most especially amongst young men. Consistent with the distinction we made above, medical practitioners distinguish between two types of alcohol-related problems - namely, 'alcohol abuse' and full-blown 'alcoholism'.

'Alcohol abuse' refers to specific times when individuals over-indulge in alcohol consumption and so damage their health, but do not necessarily become addicted to the substance such that these incidents become regular and unavoidable. There is a straightforward medical explanation as to how alcoholism. Regular heavy intake of alcohol causes chemical imbalances in the brain or leads to depletion of certain chemicals, which makes the body desire alcohol. Having said that, many factors generally combine to advance someone into alcoholism - both social factors as well as genetic and psychological ones.

In terms of genetics, it has clearly been shown that persons with a history of alcoholism in their families are far more likely to become alcoholics themselves that those without such a family history. As well, general high-stress levels or a particular great emotional trauma can off-start a person to drink excessively, as alcohol has a direct effect on the stress hormones.

Ironically, this can be a problem at both ends of the social spectrum. It is generally the culture of high-powered business people to drink numerous cocktails and highly-alcoholic drinks at social gatherings, and certainly, persistent alcohol consumption can become the norm for young working-class males who make it each day to the pub after work.

There is no quick and easy cure for alcoholism. Different from other diseases, neither drugs nor surgery can do anything to remove the problem. One curious discovery though those researchers have made about alcohol addiction is that the person indulging in the habit feels better, not while indulging, but at that instant, the decision is made to indulge!

Of course, given the numerous contributing factors and differing levels of self-discipline, every case of alcoholism is going to be unique, which is why treatment is generally best managed by specialized healthcare professionals. We have the best alcohol rehabilitation centre in India.

As there are many facilities to help and deal with such alcohol and drug-related issues in India, there are many top rehab centres in India where top-notch accommodation facilities are thus provided. Having the basic amenities of air-conditioned rooms and dormitories with the supply of hot water, veg and non-veg food menu, satellite TV, and the availability of indoor games, the rehab centres also have a 24/7 medical and support staff, with a panel of medical and psychiatric staff and also an experienced counselling team with top reputed therapists. One will also have the 24/7 availability of ambulances with clean and modern living areas which would indeed provide positive health being.

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Name: Trucare Trust

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Contact Number: 9167943134






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