Signs of Drug Addiction

 Addiction occurs when there is a cross-over from using or abusing, a substance, to the need to take it and a resulting loss of normal self-control. A drug user normally has a reason for starting the use of a certain substance. Although some uses are of illegal drugs such as marijuana or cocaine, used to relax or boost energy in some situations, other drugs that are addictive can be sleeping pills or painkillers used to self-medicate for pain or other problems. Repeated use of prescription or over-the-counter medicines needs to be monitored as it is still possible to cross the line to addiction, where the drug is required and cravings or withdrawal symptoms occur when the substance is not available. We have the best drug rehabilitation centre in Pune.

Drug addiction signs are varied, but they are the same whatever the substance that is abused. Once the craving begins to control your life, then you have started along the road to addiction. Addiction itself is recognized as a disease, and it is treatable. One of the hardest parts of treating addiction is to recognize that there is a problem and it needs addressing, particularly as one sign of addiction is being secretive about the abuse and hiding it from those who are close to you.

Tolerance is a common sign of addiction, where the amount of the drug that is needed to have the same effect goes up, this is an early warning sign to the user. If you are experiencing any kind of withdrawal symptoms when you don't take the drug, again this is a sign that you shouldn't ignore. Symptoms of withdrawal include nausea, insomnia, sweats, shaking, restlessness or anxiety.

Abandoning hobbies or activities that you used to take part in, and changing your life and habits so they revolve around drug use is another frequent sign of an increasing problem. When you have lost control such that you take the drug more often than you want to or you take it even though it is causing you negative effects then the situation is getting more serious and you should consider getting help if you haven't already.

People around you may notice changes in the way that you act, such as depression, mood swings, or fits of anger. Neglect of your responsibilities, such as your job or your children is frequently a symptom of drug abuse or addiction. This leads to pressures on your life such as questions about your abilities from your boss, loss of friends, and arguments with your family or partner. Once you have crossed the line into illegal activities with your drug use, you are more likely to have it highlighted that you need to start resolving the problem, whether it is stealing from family to get money to buy more or getting arrested for anti-social behaviour or driving whilst under the influence.

Physically, drug addiction symptoms include changes in appetite or sleep disruption. Weight can be put on or dropped off depending on the drug's other effects. You might experience blackouts, mood swings, or irritability. Because many drugs are expensive to obtain, it is common for financial problems to be caused, for the user to sell off belongings to fund a habit, miss payments, or steal.

You must realize that all of these symptoms may be experienced by all addicts and that the addiction itself is treatable. Seeking help and rehabilitation in whatever form is most appropriate for your problem is a very important step and one that you don't have to take on your own, you just need to take the first step to let someone know that you have a problem that needs treatment. You can reach out to us through our website, we have one of the best rehabs in Pune.

As there are many facilities to help and deal with such alcohol and drug-related issues in India, there are many top rehab centre in India where top-notch accommodation facilities are thus provided. Having the basic amenities of air-conditioned rooms and dormitories with the supply of hot water, veg and non-veg food menu, satellite TV, and the availability of indoor games, the rehab centers also have a 24/7 medical and support staff, with a panel of medical and psychiatric staff and also an experienced counseling team with top reputed therapists. One will also have the 24/7 availability of ambulances with clean and modern living areas which would indeed provide positive health being.
Address: S.No. 258/2B, Plot No. 19, Khese Park, Lohegaon, Pune, 411032, Maharashtra, India
Contact Number: 9167943134


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