Alcohol Addiction


Alcohol addiction or alcoholism may be defined as a compulsive requirement for an intoxicating drink that's derived from a fruit or fermented grain. The drink is also anything from wine, beer, whiskey, or rum.

Intake of alcohol becomes an addiction when someone craves for consumption of alcohol & is unable to limit the drink. an individual has often termed an alcoholic if he or she experiences, certain withdrawal symptoms like sweating, anxiety, and nausea. someone may be called an alcoholic if he wants to possess greater amounts of alcohol to experience a high. One must seek treatment once the matter starts to slip out of hands. Trucare trust is the best alcohol rehabilitation centre in Mumbai.

Most people think that having a robust will to prevent drinking is enough to provide alcohol. However, the method is kind of complicating. When a process becomes alcoholic, the craving is so great that it suppresses the flexibility to prevent consumption. Most alcoholic requires adept assistance to convey up alcoholism. Several causes result in alcoholism. People could also be forced to own alcohol thanks to the environment they board or the traumatic experiences they need in their lives.

Alcoholism features a lot of bad effects on the individual. It can cause some serious trouble. It may also be physically & mentally destructive. Most of the crimes, suicides, accidental deaths & murders are committed under the influence of alcohol. Several health problems are related to the utilization of alcohol like cancer, diseases of the liver, brain damage, cancer & heart diseases. An alcoholic who doesn't hand over alcohol may reduce his anticipation by 10 to fifteen years.

Here are a number of the ill effects of alcohol on health:

a) Excess intake of alcohol can destroy brain cells & ultimately cause brain damage.

b) Alcohol works towards disturbing the general structure & function of the central system. It hinders the power to consolidate, retrieve & process information.

c) Consuming alcohol in moderate amounts can put an excellent effect on cognitive abilities.

d) Consumption of alcohol in large amounts interferes with the method of oxygen supply of the brain & causes a blackout under the stage of being fully drunk.

e) Addiction to alcohol may end in inflammation of the mouth, stomach & esophagus. It may also lead to cancers of the stomach, mouth & esophagus.

f) Drinking alcohol in large amounts may lead to irregular heartbeats. The addict also can experience a greater risk of high pressure, heart damage & coronary failure.

g) Intake of alcohol interferes with vision & disrupts sexual function. It also reduces circulation and increases the possibilities of malnutrition & excessive water retention.

h) The addict may suffer from slurred speech, lack of coordination, impaired attention, impaired judgment, unsteadiness when walking or standing & lack of sleep.

Here are some symptoms of alcohol addiction:

a) The patient develops a way of compulsion to drink.

b) The addict may prefer to drink soon after walking to cut back the alcohol withdrawal feeling.

c) An alcohol addict tends to develop a reduced ability to manage to drink.

d) The addict usually organizes his lifestyle around drinking.

One cannot overcome inebriation alone. The addict requires good assistance from others to seek out recovery. most people seek counselling & visit rehab centre to induce eliminate alcoholism. You can reach out to us through our website; our rehab is the best rehabilitation centre in India.

As there are many facilities to help and deal with such alcohol and drug-related issues in India, there are many top rehab centre in India where top-notch accommodation facilities are thus provided. Having the basic amenities of air-conditioned rooms and dormitories with the supply of hot water, veg and non-veg food menu, satellite TV, and the availability of indoor games, the rehab centre also have a 24/7 medical and support staff, with a panel of medical and psychiatric staff and also an experienced counselling team with top reputed therapists. One will also have the 24/7 availability of ambulances with clean and modern living areas which would indeed provide positive health being.


Address: Trucare Trust – Mumbai, Survey No.7, Ashram Road, Yeoor Hills, Thane West, Thane, Maharashtra 400610, India.

Contact Number: +91-9167006990





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