The Illegal Use of Malana Cream in India

Oftenly youngsters spout about going to the Malana village located in Himachal Pradesh, India where the village has their own adopted habitations and development with a completely different culture. Located in the suburbs of a hill one needs to complete a 26km trek for over 12 to 15 hours and then reach the village adjacent to a valley and Malana river stream. The Drug Rehabilitation Centre in Mumbai and the Drug Rehabilitation Centre in India states that the hash also known as ‘charas’ is very unique coming from the valley of Malana which is mainly obtained from the resin strain of the cannabis plant which is grown on the valley and is produced in a large amount which is known to be legal for consumption. It is mainly a single village in India where the hash resin is legal to produce and from which a creamy substance is also extracted which is more like a clayey substance. The Drug Rehabilitation Centre in India states that the cannabis plant also has tons of chemical compounds which are known as the cannabinoids and is also known as tetrahydrocannabinol which is the main substance creating a high sensation inside our body after the consumption of hash.

Also strains of the plant having a very low level of THC are only used for industrial purposes then of making ropes, textiles and paper as well, however the plants which have high levels are either sold for drug consumption or for medicinal purposes as well. Thus a very high proportion of THC is mainly either used from drug use or is mixed in the Malana cream making it more potent in nature. The resin which is extracted from the plant is also used as a hand cream or an oil as well. Thus, ‘charas’ from Malana mainly is known to have a very distinct set which makes the aroma and the flavours to be highly centric in nature due to the climatic condition of the valley. It is a fact that the Malana Cream is mainly illegal to sell but if it is selling out of the valley then it is cost from Rs. 1,500 to Rs. 8,000 per 10 grams as the purity of the product mainly reflects the sale of purchase too. ‘Chars’ from Malana are thus smuggled to great distances and are also sold outside the country as well as the costliest Malana hash is sold in Amsterdam in Europe in the cafes.

Peddlers who basically sell charas outside the valley have specific trekking routes deep in the mountains making them very hard to catch as recently the use of Malana cream and drugs are being more commonly used in other parts of the countries which makes the whole process of availability to be a high question and curiosity. There are many security agencies as well who have also trekked for long hours to catch the peddlers however catching them in hills is a very tough job as the routes are difficult to interpret with the village people also being supportive of them. Also, due to the weather, the plants also grow naturally in the area making it hard to be eliminated altogether as the people of Malana are highly reserved and their main livelihood is dependent on cannabis particularly.

Address: Block No.89, Yeoor Gaon, Patana Pada, Near Garva Hotel, Yeoor Hill, Thane, Mumbai, Maharashtra, 400606.

Contact Number: 9167006990


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