The Danger of Alcohol Overdose

An alcohol overdose merely occurs when the amount of alcohol inside our bloodstream, which revolves around the area of our brain which controls the basic life support functions including the heart rate, breathing and temperature control, exceeds the amount of alcohol in that blood and begins the process of shutting down. The symptoms of overdose can thus include the process of having a mental confusion which can also seek difficulty in remaining conscious, suffering with seizures, having trouble breathing, suffering with a slow heart rate and clammy skin, and oftenly giving dull responses on the go. Therefore, alcohol overdose can also lead towards the path of suffering with brain damage or eventually towards the path of death.

The Alcohol Rehabilitation Centre in Mumbai and the Drug Rehabilitation Centre in Mumbai states that one should always take life tips and maintain a strong balance towards the drinking process which actually requires an impairment on the go putting one’s life in sheer jeopardy among the various individuals on go. Thus, the requirement of age sensitivity with tolerance, speed, gender, medication on the go and the quantity of food one is taking can also affect the overdose quantity at times. The Alcohol Rehabilitation Centre in Mumbai states that alcohol use and opting for opioids or any other kind of sedative such as anxiety or sleeping pills can also increase the risk of suffering with overdose.

Thus, using alcohol with opioid pain relievers, mainly heroin can also form a deadly combination as alcohol and such drugs suppress the areas in the brain where deep down they control the main functions including breathing and being in a straight posture. Mixing drugs and alcohol can thus produce an overdose indeed which can lead towards the path of having a stroke too. Following are some of the signs which indicate a critical case of alcohol overdose. They are as follows:

       Mental confusion and beings of stupor



       Slow breathing with the ability to remain conscious

       Clammy skin

       Slow heart rate

       Irregular breathing

Address: Block No.89, Yeoor Gaon, Patana Pada, Near Garwa Hotel, Yeoor Hill, Thane, Mumbai, Maharashtra 400606

Contact Number: 9167943134


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