Understanding the Date-Rape Drugs

The Date-rape drugs are mainly consuming substances which makes the process of raping an individual or perform any sexual activity with an individual mainly assaulting the individual by another person is a more easier and swift manner. Mainly the inclusion of alcohol and any other medication is always involved in such a process. The Alcohol Rehabilitation Centre in Pune, states that the victim always becomes really confused, with facing sheer trouble to defend themselves, with not remembering any memory of the past incident. The Drug Rehabilitation Centre in Pune, thus clarifies that the ‘Date Rape’ does not only happen on a date, but from an attacker whom you have also known for a long period of time can be included in such activities.

Common Types of Date-Rape Drugs

There is more than just one way of consuming date-rape drugs so as to overpower someone else and making them forget about the incident. Some of the most common types of date-rape drugs are as follows:

       GHB mainly stands for Gamma-Hydroxybutyric acid which is a type of depressant which has several nicknames attached to such as Easy Lay, Georgia Home Boy, Liquid X, Liquid Ecstasy, Soap, Salty Water and more, which is also prescribed by the doctor to treat a sleep disorder which is mainly known as narcolepsy.

       Rohypnol is also known as roofies, roche, rope, forget-me pill etc., which is not legally available in many areas across the globe. However, in several areas doctors use it before surgery as anaesthesia.

       Ketamine is mainly a dissociative drug which makes you feel really detached from the real world. The nicknames surrounding it are Special K, Vitamin K, and Cat Valium. This is also used as anaesthesia by the doctors and is also given to people suffering with depression.

       Alcohol thus stands to be one of the strongest weapons used for mixing all kinds of drugs and then offering it for consumption. Alcohol thus boosts the effects of the medicine, taking the liberty of defending themselves or also remembering the incident later on.

What do these Date-Rape Drugs Look Like?

The Drug Rehabilitation Centre in Pune, thus describes the most common types of date-rape drugs as how they look like. They are as follows:

    GHB is usually a liquid which can also be mixed with other liquids which do not have a specific taste or smell to it and also comes in the form of a powder.

    Rohypnol in early times used to come as a white tablet mainly with no taste or smell attached to it, where the drug companies now make it as a light green pill with a blue core attached, therefore when someone puts the tablets inside a clear water, its water will instantly turn blue. However, some of the generic pills may not have a blue eye attached to it.

    Ketamine is another clear liquid which also comes as an off-white powder which is usually injected in our body where you cannot smell or taste it.

Address: S.No. 258/2B, Plot No. 19, Khese Park, Lohegaon, Pune, 411032, Maharashtra, India

Contact Number: 9167943134


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