Consumption of Alcohol and Drugs Affecting the Body Weight

The Alcohol Rehabilitation Centre in Mumbai in collaboration with the Drug Rehabilitation Centre in Mumbai states the issue of concern and doubt amongst the society of the increase or decrease of body weight due to the consumption of alcohol or drugs. It is indeed a fact that substance abuse has a long-term effect on the body of the individual, affecting the metabolism, body weight, organ function and also the mental stability of one. Also, many amongst these conditions include the addict to be later on diagnosed with health conditions including diabetes, organ failure, cancer, brain damage and even lead to heart disease.

Now, the Alcohol Rehabilitation Centre in Mumbai added that substance abuse initially affects the functioning of an individual’s metabolism which mainly refers to the way in which the body usually processes the food consumption in order to generate nutrients and energy inside our body. To help in the functioning of the cells throughout the body, one must require a tolerable amount of nutrients including the maintenance of glucose to use the energy, growth and then repair it. Thus, production of such necessary nutrients is thereby affected by the harsh use of substance abuse into the body. Substance abuse such as the consumption of alcohol therefore cannot be stored into the body after the consumption as it breaks down and leaves the body via urination. However, when an excessive amount of alcohol consumption is done, it gradually disrupts the ability of the body to develop nutrients leading towards the intestines and thus making the body feel more irritated which also can slow down the digestive process of the body, thus leading towards the loss of appetite and also can lead towards the case of constipation. Rarely, it does cause the problem of intestinal blockage which therefore can lead towards the decrease in weight. Also, individuals who consume alcohol in a great amount but eat very less, can also be diagnosed with a handful of health problems. Some of them can be seizures, heart disease, depression or mood disorder, tooth decay, blood pressure problems, cancer, eating disorder and osteoporosis.

Now, in the case of drugs, it is a proven fact that drug consumption does change the weight of the body, as the body fails to find a needful amount of energy and nutrients required in the body to maintain its efficiency level. However, there are many prescribed drugs which are known for the weight gain process. But, drugs are thereby used for recreational and illicit use which can cause a long-term effect on body weight for sure and also can cause a long-lasting effect on the brain. It is thus found that drugs can also cause cognitive damage inside the body and addicts who do not tend to consume food and only lives upon the consumption of drugs suffer with heavy weight loss, which tends to form a serious metabolism problem and thus also impacts the functioning of the brain and the physical appearance of one.

Address: Survey No.7, Ashram Road, Yeoor Hills, Thane West, Mumbai, Maharashtra 400701

Phone: 09167943134


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