Drugs & Addiction Centers

 The health system consists of various medical professionals, where they have made efforts to train their paramedical and paraclinical staff to become professionals handling a number of patients at a time. Along with the development of the training process and conducting various programs too, it is very important to build the resource materials including the manuals and handbooks of nurses and the paramedical staff for various interventions including psychosocial, pharmacotherapy etc.

 Believing in the first step towards recovery is accepting your problems and agreeing to seek help, the Drug Rehabilitation Centre in Pune and mainly the Drug Rehabilitation Centre in Pune recommends treatment allowing the clients to move into a more sober and cleaner environment. Being away from a destructive environment and always supported by experienced counselors and trained staff, the Drug Rehabilitation Centre in Pune and mainly the Drug Rehabilitation Centre in Pune, in collaboration, has a way of approaching which has made many Drug Rehabilitation Centre in Pune and the Drug Rehabilitation Centre in Pune to be the best and qualified. The programs consist of therapies and counselling sessions from known and qualified counsellors and psychologists helping the patient at their very step. The programs also include the following activities such as meditation, reading, sports, music, nature walks, potter, painting, cooking, reading, yoga, gym, gardening etc.

The provisions of treatment services have also focused on the inpatient treatment service mainly, but with the accumulating experience of India and globally on this serious issue, hospitals and rehabilitation centers have now understood that a large number of patients struggling from drug addiction can also be treated on an outpatient basis with the needful necessities if available. The recent development scheme of the government of India is more likely to be successful since it is entirely based on the funding support from the central government with the mentoring which is provided by the prestigious academic institutions located across the country. Many individuals with drug consumption disorder primarily hesitate to opt for treatment programs as they don’t recognize their habits as a cause of problems, therefore, with the intervention of such rehabilitation facilities and support of their loved ones, one can make the realization process better and help them with a confident and supporting heart.


Mainly the team consists of:



       Clinical Psychologist

       Residential Counselors

       In-house nurses

       Art Therapist

       Yoga Instructors

       Housekeeping & Security


       Chefs & Cooks


As band aids don’t fix bullet holes, similarly only the treatment programs, or medications, or a psychiatrist cannot bring an addicted patient back to a sober life. Following all the needful treatment processes, and working in a cooperative and positive team towards the needful, success can thus, only be achieved then. These issues need a healthy initiative from the government and from the general public to be considered as an important support and issue. There is a serious need of constant monitoring and nurturing of the scheme which can cause a positive change as it is a high time that the drug addiction treatment gets a mainstream importance into the general healthcare system.





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