Symptoms in Children for Drug Overdose


Many Drug rehabilitation centre in Pune have special areas reserved only for the underage kids who have been indulged in heavy drinking. These Drug rehabilitation centre in Pune, also have De-Addiction Center in Mumbai in collaboration with them sending patients or underage drug addicts struggling with addiction issues. The De-Addiction Center in Mumbai understands that the underage people are more likely to resist strong treatments because of their lack of experience and foresight regarding the addiction that will make their transition into adulthood very difficult as drug abuse creates a hard and long lasting impact. On the other hand many Addiction Treatment Center in Mumbai have witnessed the underage addicts to be able to find addiction starting from their homes. Most of the De-Addiction Center in Mumbai have also witnessed that teens do have a very low capacity for impulse control because that the advanced portions of their brains have not yet developed and thus this remains the best option for their parents to send them off under professional care.


Stop the overdose before it starts by:


     Keeping the medicines out of your child’s reach and sight, you should store the medications in high cabinets where they cannot simply reach, you can either put it away for some time or can also close the resistant caps until they stop going back for it.

     Always read the labels very carefully while giving medicines which are written for children use on them only use the needed amount and then close the cap tightly. One spoon maximum is okay.

     Always check the active ingredients of all your child’s medicines and make sure that you are not giving 2 products containing the similar active ingredients to them.

     Always ask your child’s doctor or the pharmacist if you have any queries about medications.


Some of the major symptoms are as follows:



     Drooling or dry mouth


     Pupils that either grow larger or shrink

     Loss of coordination and slurred speech


     Extreme fatigue

     Yellow skin or eyes

     Flu-like symptoms

     Unusual bleeding or bruising

     Abdominal pain


     Rapid heartbeat

Always take instant action if these symptoms are shown:


     Won’t wake up

     Can’t breathe

     Twitches or shakes uncontrollably

     Displays extremely strange behavior

     Has trouble swallowing

     Develops a rapidly spreading rash

     Swells up in the face, including around the lips or tongue

In many cases, it is observed that the children are usually aware of the severe harm they are causing by their habits to themselves as well as on their dependence; therefore, most of the children avoid seeking treatment on their own. There are multiple approaches one can seek including Pharmacological treatment, support groups, substitution therapy, counseling, however, the most common of all them is the addiction centers, de-addiction centers and Rehabilitation centers.


The addiction centers understand that it is a complex situation having various social ramifications and medical issues which creates a deep impact on all the social stratas. Affecting not only the child but their families, it is now declared as a chronic relapsing disease. The only trust is in the possibilities of intervening with major positive and careful treatments, requiring continuum care. Therefore, the need of rehabilitation is a must and indeed a positive choice bringing your closed ones back to normal and a positive life.




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