Alcohol Being the Cause of Hair Fall is an Absolute Myth


Alcohol addicts need to fight through a lot of things after coming from the rehab center. Abiding and going on with their lives is a difficult task for them indeed. However, many  Alcohol Rehabilitation Center in Mumbai came forward and have settled the talk, myths and rumors about physical things which are not found in an addict but are just society made things. The Alcohol Rehabilitation Center in Mumbai, made a stop to the rumors that alcohol addicts face the problems of hair fall as they leave the alcohol consumption and with the intake of medicines and chemicals on the move they are more likely to get hair fall problems which is completely wrong and without a sense conversation. To put an end to these kinds of rumors, the Alcohol Rehabilitation Center in Mumbai, thus states the actual causes of hair fall and the only causes naturally and unnaturally.

Hair loss is one of the things that most obsess women and men. The problems in our hair cause us an enormous concern and it is normal not to stop thinking about it and even to become very stressed, something totally harmful for hair loss. The important thing in these cases is to follow a few simple tips that can help us improve the situation. If you want to know what they are, you know… we’re starting!


When caring for and washing our hair it is very important to use soft products that do not damage the scalp. Therefore, it is essential to choose a shampoo that is not aggressive on our skin, bearing in mind that the scalp is particularly sensitive. Natural shampoos are a good choice, especially if you wash your hair every day.


Food is fundamental in all aspects of our lives and hair, as it could not be otherwise, is no exception. The lack of nutrients or vitamins can be one of the triggers of worrying hair loss so it is essential to have a healthy diet to help us keep a strong and shiny hair.


Excessive heat from electrical appliances such as hair dryers and irons is in no way beneficial to our hair, much less if we suffer an excessive hair loss. This type of utensil considerably weakens our scalp and the root of our hair so it is advisable to avoid them and let our hair dry outdoors. If it is winter and it is cold in the street, try to wash your hair when you have time to be at home and dry it without problem.


Stress is one of the worst enemies of hair loss. Family problems, work problems… anything can cause us worry and anxiety and, consequently, hair loss. It is important that we learn to control situations and try to deal with problems calmly to prevent stress from manifesting itself, for example, through our hair. In certain occasions, when the beginning of the problem is in the unexpected fall of the hair, the stress begins to appear and the problem is aggravated reason why, in case you begin to notice the excessive fall of your hair, try to relax, follow the advices that we recommend you and go to a specialist in case it is necessary.


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