What is Major Depression?


Many Drug rehabilitation center in Mumbai, often receive questions in relation to depression. However, among the lot the drug rehabilitation center in Mumbai gets frequent questions about what is major depression, how in taking of drugs leads to depression and what toll the body has to take etc. Releasing answers to these queries the Drug rehabilitation center in Mumbai explained the meaning of major depression and what toll it takes on our body.


Major depression or also known as major depressive disorder is basically a mood disorder and a mental illness which causes great and persistent low mood changes. It is when an individual feels low for a day or two and remains the same for weeks, releasing the following signs or symptoms. They are as follows:


       Persistent feelings of sadness and hopelessness

       Loss of interest in activities you normally enjoy

       Difficulty sleeping or sleeping too much

       Weight gain or weight loss

       Extreme fatigue

       Anxiety, restlessness, frustration, or irritability

       Feeling worthless, guilty, or ashamed

       Difficulty concentrating, making decisions, or remembering

       Thoughts of suicide and death

One may be diagnosed with depression if they have these symptoms for a week or more than a week and are strong enough to interrupt your normal functioning of life being not explained by any types of substance abuse, illness or medications.


Toll on Body

Depression is much more than just a brain disorder, as it also causes various types of physical symptoms leading towards a long lasting damage and directly affecting the complications of a living or mental illness. For example, depression may change one’s appetite and trigger you to either eat a lot or very less gaining weight or losing weight leading to associated health issues.


Also, people can experience chronic pain which can be a sign of depression such as unexplained headaches, pains and aches in different body parts, joint tenderness, back pain etc. can also be triggered from depression. It is not completely understood but depression usually will make the patient feel less tolerating the pain thus, everything hurts more in a manner.


Living with depression also puts the patient at a higher and several risk of gaining a physical health condition which can also include stroke or a heart disease. The reason one can get these as depression triggers overproduction of clotting factors and also causes variation in the heart rates, therefore leading towards a stroke or heart attack. 


One of the most known complications of depression is the gastrointestinal distress, where the individual’s gut instincts are usually connected with the mood and mental health and is also referred to as the body’s second brain. There are very crucial receptors in the gut and an ecosystem of bacteria which eventually changes the effects of the mood. Thus, if you are depressed, you may experience stomach aches, indigestion, cramps, bloating and also cramps due to this factor. Fatigueless is another common symptom and is one of the most frequently witnessed in a depressed patient. Constant lack of energy and a feeling of beyond tiredness, making you feel completely apathetic, irritating and giving you a feeling of doing absolutely nothing.




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