Basic Vegetables Included in Drug Addicts Diet

 Several Drug Rehabilitation Center in Pune and Drug Rehabilitation Center in India, have witnessed and faced terms of having basic diet schedules put into the plates of drug recovering patients. The Drug Rehabilitation Center in Pune and Drug Rehabilitation Center in India came to the conclusion of having the below mentioned 5 vegetables which should be mandatory in most of the Drug Rehabilitation Center in Pune and Drug Rehabilitation Center in India. They are as follows:


Ladyfinger (Okra):

In India, Lady Finger is generally recognised as ‘Bhindi.’ According to our ancestors, Okra is found to be quite healthy for the eyes as it contains Carotenoids that allows the person to have an improved vision. Carotenoids are also fruitful for the skin as it reduces the UV rays ratio and the damages that the body absorbs during the day. Additionally, Okra is also helpful in keeping your body fit and provides strong immunity. Eating Okra also lowers the risk of colorectal cancer.


Rich in Magnesium, folate and fibre. Ladyfinger or Okra consists of Vitamin C, A and K1. Having a long and tapering end, it is highly beneficial, especially for pregnant women, and controls our body's blood sugar. Easy and simple to cook, the growing demand for Okra has constantly been seen across the world. Bhindi is a vital vegetable dish in the Indian kitchen.



Indians often use the term ‘Gazar’ for Carrots. Consumption of carrots leads to a healthier life as it is rich in Carotenoids which lower the risk of cancer, lowers the blood cholesterol, and consists of low calories. All these elements together assure you of maintained health. 


A root vegetable, carrots are loaded with Vitamin A and also contain Beta-Carotene, which mainly lowers your diabetes risk. Mainly bright orange in colour, it strengthens your bones as it also consists of Calcium and Vitamin K.



Onion is amongst one of the most essential ingredients of an Indian kitchen. The involvement of antioxidants and compounds in onions fight inflammation, reduce cholesterol levels, and decrease triglycerides; all are essentially good for your heart. So, adding onions to your meal ensures you have a healthy heart.


Their anti-inflammatory properties also reduce and maintain the blood pressure level in the body and prevent blood clot formations. Used in different cuisines worldwide and an essential ingredient in fresh salad serves, the global demand for onion has always been on top.



Beetroot or in Indian Language, ‘Chukandar’ is an essential and beneficial consumption for the human body. Eating Beetroot helps in lowering blood pressure, improving body stamina, and builds strong muscle power. It is a strong source of potassium and a potent source of generation of healthy blood formation inside the human body.


Bottle Gourd:

In India, Bottle Gourd is also known as ‘Louki,’ it is a white-flowered gourd vegetable, harvested so young for consumption. Improves sleep disorders, helpful in digestion, premature grey hairs, losing weight, and having rich components of fiber and alkali content, it helps in treating acidity. Additionally, drinking Bottle Gourd juice serves as a cleanser and wipes off the toxicity from the body.



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