Types of Treatment Programs offered in the Alcohol Rehabs in Pune

 However, many alcohol rehabilitation center in Pune, have their own set of treatment processes crafted individually for every addict. But, we often neglect the basic necessities required in finding the ultimate location and end up being cheated or get ignored with the real facts. Also, we ignore to learn more about the facts and details about the types of treatment programs the alcohol rehabilitation center in Pune offers. Below are some of the treatment programs explained in detail for you?

Long Term Residential Program:

The long term residential treatment usually provides a 24 hours day care giving a non-hospital type setting. Many of the alcohol rehabilitation center in Pune offer this service. With a planned length of stay between the periods of 6 to 12 months, they mainly have the treatment model of therapeutic community. These therapeutic communities focus on the resocialization program of the individual and tend to use a completely different community including the staff, residents and even the social context which are the active components of treatment.

Short Term Residential Program:

The short-term residential program does provide an intensive but relatively brief treatment which is mainly based on the 12-step approach. This program was mainly designed to treat the alcohol problems of a patient, but during the cocaine epidemic in the mid-1980s, this program began to treat the other types of substance disorders as it was convenient and efficient. The original residential treatment model mainly consisted of a 3-6 week hospital, which was based in the inpatient treatment phase, priority followed by an extended outpatient therapy and also the participation in a good self-help group like the AA.

Outpatient Treatment Program:

The outpatient treatment mainly varies in the types and intensity of the various services which they offer. Such treatments cost less than the residential or inpatient treatment options and are usually more suitable for people having jobs or being in the extensive social support groups. It therefore should also be taken into consideration that the low-intensity program may offer a little more note on drug education rather than alcohol. Other outpatient models for example the intensive day treatment is compared to the residential program in effectiveness and services which mainly depend on an individual patient’s characteristics and their needs.

Individualized Drug Counseling:

Individualized drug counseling not only focuses on reducing or stopping an illicit drug or alcohol use but it also addresses the issues mainly related to the fields of impaired functioning including illegal activity, employment status and also the social and family relations all included in the structure and content of the patient’s recovery program. Through this emphasis on the short-term behavioral goals, individualized counseling, it helps the patient develop a coping strategy and tools to abstain from the drug use and maintain abstinence.

As band aids don’t fix bullet holes, similarly only the treatment programs, or medications, or a psychiatrist cannot bring an addicted patient back to a sober life. Following all the needful treatment processes, and working in a cooperative and positive team towards the needful, success can thus, only be achieved then.


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