Performance Enhancing Drugs In Sports Is Quite Debatable Issue For Recent Years

 Performance Enhancing Drugs is quite a vulnerable issue over which a long debate has been going on for the past few years, as many of the athletes in the various sports domains use a variety of these drugs in improving as well as modifying their performance in order to win the competitions at any cost, even their lives. Performance Enhancement drugs are the types of illegal medications which hit the stamina, strength, endurance, and willpower in a positive manner, but also cause many side effects that can be sheerly negative to the mental as well as the physical health of individual athletes. The negative impact of the Performance Enhancement Drugs has more weightage than its positive impact, like if it shows 20 percent of the positive impact, then it will give your 80 percent of the negative impact. These drugs and other related substances, which can improve performance, can also destroy the sporting career of the athlete side by side and can also destructively toy with their lives.

The debate which going on for more than half of the decade is that Performance enhancement drugs should be allowed or completely banned in world-renowned competing platforms like world championships or even the Olympics. If in any case the Performance Enhancement Drugs are allowed then there would not be any of the permanent athletes as it would result in more addiction as well as the death toll of the Drug abuse will increase, it is simply toying with their lives. The more and more cases of treatment in rehab centers will increase, then the athletes would visit Drug Rehabilitation Centre in Mumbai.

Whereas, If the ban on the prohibited substances continues to be it is then the athletes would face fair competition, can sustain their healthy careers for a very long period of time ensuring their legacy. Then they would not be required to visit the Drug Rehabilitation Centre in Mumbai, for their rehabilitation. The ban on the prohibited substances in sports or the performance-enhancing drugs used by the present or the prospective athletes in sports is quite right as per the opinion of many of the former athletes as well as many of the officials. The performance-enhancing drugs provide short-term glory, but are considered and are harmful to mental and physical health in the case of a long period of time.

According to the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) which is responsible for the controlling, operating, and management of restriction over the Doping activities that are being carried over in sports by the athletes. They impose a ban on the athletes and their matters of interest counterparts to ensure that they realize their mistakes of intaking or even inducing the prohibited substances in their bodies in the form of performance-enhancing drugs for improving their performance. WADA is keen that any of the athletes are drug abuse-free, if any of the athletes are addicted to it then they advise him or her to book an appointment with the for-example Drug Rehabilitation Centre in Mumbai if the case is in India.          


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